By engaging with any programme, product or service provided by Scribble Ink Story Consultancy, you agree to the following terms:
All payments are non-refundable. However, exchanges are permissible - contingent on the discretion of Scribble Ink.
All transactions must be made online.
Scribble Online course fees and terms of use are outlined on the Udemy platform. Any updates or changes, including discounts and sales, are managed by the Udemy learning platform following the Udemy affiliate programme.
Scribble Island is strictly a one-to-one service. Two or more service users must refer to the Micro Commissions offer.
Bundle fee payment plans apply to selected Scribble Ink programmes. Bundle fees must be paid up to one hour before starting the first workshop or induction in any programme.
Prices are subject to change to ensure Scribble Ink Story Consultancy fees are aligned with the UK rate of inflation and consumer price index. However, once a service is booked under an RRP or sales point, the service user will not be obliged to pay any additional fees before an amendment in said pricing.
Service Hosting and Venues
An overview of services available can be found on the relevant webpages.
All scheduled workshops organised and hosted by Scribble Ink in-house are held online.
All Scribble Island 1:1 creative coaching consultations are hosted online.
Should a client request a tailor-made workshop be held in a physical venue, they must refer to the terms of the micro commission offer.
Micro Commissions
Scribble Subscription members are eligible for a 20% discount on all micro commission bookings.
The registered Scribble Ink Subscriber is the only person permitted to book a micro commission using the 20% subscription discount.
The client booking the micro commission must list the number of participants in the booking form.
Sessions are delivered primarily online but on-site delivery is negotiable.
The client booking the micro commission is responsible for the provision of any safeguarding, PLI, risk assessment, printing and stationery.
Any changes to the guest list must be communicated to Scribble Ink 48 hours before the session start time.
Failure to communicate any changes within the 48-hour time limit could lead to non-admissions and termination of the session without an exchange or refund.
The subscribers' responsibility is to ensure any friends or clients they have present at a session review relevant content, including terms and conditions.
It is the subscribers' responsibility is to ensure any friends or clients they have present at a session receive relevant invites, confirmation dates, and access links.
It is the subscribers' responsibility is to ensure any friends or clients they have present at a session have signed the submission release form.
Scribble Ink is not responsible for providing resources for any other parties invited to the micro commission session outside of the registered Subscriber.
Micro commissions allow for up to five additional participants - both Scribble Ink members or non-members.
The story consultant has the right to refuse additional members outside of the permitted five guests and can terminate the session without refund or exchange.
Micro commissions can accommodate more than five guests at a time outside of the subscription offer. However, capacity is contingent on space hire, safeguarding and PLI.
Physical venues can potentially be arranged in selected London-based spaces. However, the venue hire, including costs and booking, risk assessment, and safety measures are the responsibility of the client who has booked the micro commission. Scribble Ink reserves the right to insist a workshop be held online if deemed more productive, cost-effective or safer for the consultant and service users.
It is the Subscriber's responsibility is to ensure the allocated on-site space is fit for delivering a micro commission session.
It is the Subscriber's responsibility is to ensure any materials needed for participating in an online session are fit for delivering a micro commission.
Free 20-Minute Phone Call
This service is available seasonally, as part of promotional offers and campaigns.
The free 20-minute introductory consultation is an opportunity for prospective service users to speak directly with the Story Consultant for the purpose of learning more about the programmes and content on offer and how they might apply to their creative, academic and professional needs.
Calls are primarily hosted on Google Meet.
Callers must request to book a consultation using the appropriate booking forms available on the website or social platforms.
Callers' are eligible for one free introductory consultation in their lifetime. Post the consultation, callers can use the live chat or email enquiries to the relevant email address.
The free introductory phone call is not a replacement for booking a workshop, micro commission or creative coaching consultation.
Should the Story Consultant suspect the caller is using the free session as a way to gain free access or information exclusively used available for paid services, the Story Consultant will terminate the consultation, report and then block the callers' contact details.
Should the Story Consultant suspect the caller is displaying any form of inappropriate behaviour, whether verbally or physically, the Story Consultant will terminate the consultation, report and then block the callers' contact details.
Should the caller need to cancel or reschedule their introductory phone call, they must do so within 48 hours of the allocated time. Failure to do so could lead to their request for a cancellation or rescheduling being rejected and the caller may be prohibited from booking another session in future.
Script Coverage
Each script coverage order covers up to 30 pages of your submission.
Script coverage reports come with a three-working-days turnaround from the day booking a request is accepted.
Script coverage is a text-based report only. For a live session, clients are advised to visit the read-through or projects and programme evaluation micro commission cited in the catalogue.
Client-Coach Dynamic
Scribble Ink Story Consultancy operates under a sole trader entrepreneurial framework; Scribble Ink Story Consultancy is managed and delivered by its founder, Nadia Gasper.
As a collaborative consultancy, advice is fundamentally inspired by research and first-hand experience. The primary aim in all bookings is to uphold the two-way dialogical process, co-explore and co-create.
The role of Scribble Ink is to teach, advise and mentor, although it's important to note that advice is not mandatory, and its implementation is down to client discretion. Scribble Ink Story Consultancy and the consultant cannot be held liable for any outcomes following advice delivered in any programmes, products, services or content.
While suggestions for edits or works submitted can be provided via script coverage or feedback notes, it is not the role of the consultant to edit works in a developmental, substantiative, copy or proofreading context.
The name Scribble Ink and Scribble Ink Story Consultancy is protected under UK government copyright law.
Nadia Gasper owns all rights and reserves.
Author Responsibility
The Scribble Island creative coaching consultation and micro commission pre-read offer must not exceed 15 pages per submission per consultation.
Optional pre-read materials must be submitted to Scribble Ink Story Consultancy along with the booking request form or booking request email.
Service users must give Scribble Ink a minimum of two working days notice if they wish to cancel or reschedule a session.
While workbooks can be provided, service users are responsible for their own materials.
Scribble Ink only receives calls during the allocated office times, as noted on the calendar.
Emails can be submitted to Scribble Ink at any time and will be responded to as soon as possible.
Service users should not contact Scribble Ink via Skype, Zoom, Teams, Facetime or phone outside of their allocated time. Failure to comply with this clause may lead to sessions being terminated without a refund.
Plagiarism: By enrolling with Scribble Online or filling in a booking form, clients and course members confirm that any literature or art pieces submitted are their original works. Any work taken from other artists and organisations will be referenced accordingly. Scribble Ink Story Consultancy takes no responsibility for the author's decision to plagiarise or not reference work accurately.
Scribble Ink will not tolerate any abuse or inappropriate behaviour, and failure to comply with this clause may lead to sessions being terminated without a refund.
Submission Release Clause
By accepting the terms and conditions and submitting any text for Scribble Ink Story consultancy to review or annotate, you accept the following terms:
I hereby grant Scribble Ink Story Consultancy and its affiliates the right to read and evaluate the accompanying material and acknowledge that the submission was written by me/ us. I also acknowledge that I/ we am/are the sole owner(s) of this work and its copyright.
I understand that Scribble Ink Story Consultancy and its affiliates are exposed to many stories, ideas, concepts and other literary materials, through this service and other means. I also understand that many stories, ideas and concepts are similar or identical and that different stories, ideas and concepts frequently relate to one or more common underlying themes and may closely resemble other works.
I understand and agree that I will not be entitled to any compensation or other consideration because of the use of such similar or identical material, stories, ideas and/or concepts that may have come to you or your affiliates. I hereby release Scribble Ink Story Consultancy and its affiliates from any and all claims, liabilities and demands that may be made by me asserting that you have used or appropriated The Submission, or any portion thereof.
I acknowledge that Scribble Ink Story Consultancy recommends that I copyright my work. I also acknowledge that it is my responsibility to copyright or register the submission prior to submitting it to Scribble Ink Story Consultancy and hereby release Scribble Ink Story Consultancy from any claims that arise from my failure to do so.
I also attest that no confidential relationship is established by submitting this material to you. I understand that Scribble Ink Story Consultancy and its affiliates are under no obligation other than to provide literary mentoring and evaluation.
I understand that literary mentoring and evaluation is a subjective process, allowing for reasonable disagreement as to the relative merits of the submission. I also understand that the evaluation may or may not be complimentary or positive in its judgement and that the fees are non-refundable.
I understand that Scribble Ink Story Consultancy may retain or destroy the submission, and I acknowledge that I possess additional copies of the same.
B-to-B Responsibility
If a group holds more than five candidates under the age of 18, it is the organisation's responsibility to ensure that additional staffing support is available during the sessions.
It is the organisation's responsibility to provide the necessary PLI.
It is the organisation's responsibility is to provide necessary safeguarding and safety measures following their internal risk assessment and government guidelines.
Bookings and products may be purchased on behalf of the end-user. The B-to-B organisation must manage the attendance of bookings or the submission of work for assessment.
Only the end-user can sign a submission release form. A facilitator or member of the B-to-B organisation cannot sign a submission release form on behalf of their client, as the submission release form will be rejected, and the booking or service may be terminated without a refund or option for exchange.
Time Schedules
Service bookings operate on a 'first come, first serve' basis. Service users must be aware that their preferred date for a consultation or micro commission may not always be available. However, a reservation can be made for other convenient dates if necessary.
Media Notice
By partaking in workshops and consultations, and programmes, all service users understand that sessions may be filmed and photographed. The images and footage will be for Scribble Ink's use only. Service users have the right to request copies of images and media they are featured in. Scribble Ink will also use quotes provided by service users for testimonials and other forms of publicity.
Safeguarding and Child Protection
Scribble Ink's Story Consultant has an in-date DBS and is on the update service. Certificate reference numbers are available upon request.
Any person under the age of 16 is considered a child.
All children must have parental consent before engaging in any of our programmes and services.
It is the responsibility of the B-to-B service user to ensure parental consent is provided accordingly.
Children must not have any direct correspondence with Scribble Ink Story Consultancy workshops and consultations without parental consent.
Should Scribble Ink Story Consultancy suspect that they are in correspondence with a child who has not provided parental consent, the story consultant has the right to terminate said correspondence and contact the relevant authorities.
Privacy Policy - GDPR
Data (which includes but is not restricted to names, email, social media and postal addresses) is collected to ensure Scribble Ink operates and communicated effectively and fairly. Service users provide data directly by responding to and subscribing to Scribble Ink's e-newsletters and social sites, sign-up forms, business card exchange and emails.
Online Safety
Encouraging members to write freely, but fairly: Whilst Scribble Ink Story Consultancy does not discriminate against freedom of speech, political, religious or social views, service users are not encouraged to use their art to bully, discriminate or use any of Scribble Ink's services to help promote hateful literature or hate speech. All service users are advised to conduct research for their literature types and are encouraged to be thoughtful and objective in their delivery. If a consultant or member is made to feel uncomfortable or threatened by the work, concepts and submissions of a service user, said service user will be removed from the session without a refund, and will subsequently be blacklisted, preventing them from using any Scribble Ink services.
All service users must present themselves on camera using a webcam to ensure online safety and user authenticity.
If webcams must be switched off temporarily, it is the participant's responsibility to notify Scribble Ink's host either verbally or privately, whether via email or in the relevant chatbox. It is down to the consultant's discretion to permit participants to keep their webcam switched off or insist it is switched on at risk of the session terminating. Failure to comply could lead to the user being blocked, and no refund or exchange is issued.
During scheduled workshops, all participants should keep their mics on mute unless they are speaking.
Course members must respect fellow student's confidentiality. Discussions had during online sessions and within online forums must not be publicised without author permission. If a course member breaches this clause, they may be removed from the course without a refund and blacklisted.
Subscribers on Membership Journey 0 are charged monthly: Membership Journey 0 is a discounted three-month trial designed to give members an insight into how the lengthier membership packages works.
Subscribers on Membership Journeys one, two and three are charged weekly.
Free access, discount codes, gifts, and exclusive products are strictly for the subscriber's use and should not be shared with any other party.
Bookings are prioritised for subscription service users but are subject to availability.
Digital downloads and bookings are non-refundable unless a cancellation or product fault lies with Scribble Ink.
Exchanges are permissible - contingent on the discretion of Scribble Ink. Subscriptions can be revoked if a member displays abusive or threatening behaviour to any member of staff, Scribble Ink affiliate or service user.
Exchanges are permissible - contingent on the discretion of Scribble Ink. Free access to workshops and creative coaching consultations is subject to availability.
Discount codes, gifts and exclusive products are strictly for the subscriber's use and should not be shared with any other party. Subscriptions can be revoked if a member displays behaviour that constitutes abusive or threatening to any member of staff, Scribble Ink affiliate or service user.
The Ask Me Anything Forum is a private platform exclusively available for subscribers on membership journies one, two and three. It is a place where subscribers can promote projects and ask questions that can be answered in a discretionary amount of time. The forum is not an alternative to script coverage, creative coaching consultation or micro commissions services. How the questions are engaged with is down to the discretion of the story consultant.
Scribble Ink is a registered Arts Award Centre, and the consultant is a trained Arts Award supporter, specialising in Bronze, Silver and Gold awards.
Scribble Ink can also provide an AQA UAS certificate, equivalent to Level 3 training: AQA UAS provide accreditations, not NCFE qualifications.
Scribble Ink can provide CPD certificates to service users upon request. In-house CPD certificates are issued to service users who engage in at least ten hours of Scribble Ink Sotriy Consultancy content.
While options to IV, EV and moderate work for the aforementioned qualifications is possible through Scribble Ink Story Consultancy, Scribble Ink's story consultant reserves the right to withhold moderator processes where necessary.
Moderation is primarily the responsibility of the service user. Scribble Ink Story Consultancy programmes and content can be used to support the development of learner portfolios. However, operations required for IV, EV, moderation, and Arts Award PassMark management are to be agreed upon and delivered between the service user and Trinity College. The option of certifying and moderating work using the Scribble Ink Story Consultancy registered centre is down to the consultant's discretion.
Selected Digital Resources
Scribble Ink Story Consultancy hosts a digital download platform for purchase or as part of a workshop or consultation resource.
Said digital products can either be engaged with online or downloaded as a fillable PDF. Instructions for the digital download will be presented accordingly.
It is the users' responsibility to ensure they have the appropriate tools and resources to engage with the digital products.
Imagery and Stationery
Images and videos are selected from royalty-free websites.
Imagery and stationery are often used to encompass the message within the text of an article created for and by Scribble Ink and engage with the consumer.
Scribble Ink does not make any profit from royalty-free media and will credit artists accordingly.
Intellectual Property
Scribble Ink is a registered company limited
Scribble Ink Story Consultancy is a registered trademark name
All images and fonts used on merchandise, online and print content are legally purchased by Scribble Ink company LTD for publication, distribution and sales.
Under the terms and conditions set by Canva Designs, any designs used for commercial purposes have not been resold, redistributed or credited inaccurately. All media has been altered in accordance with Canva guidelines.
Scribble Ink Story Consultancy has the right to amend terms and conditions whenever necessary.